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delay slot中文是什么意思

用"delay slot"造句"delay slot"怎么读"delay slot" in a sentence


  • 延迟槽


  • Firstly the thesis introduces the frame and design of the c 、 c + + compiler , and discusses the implementation of the compiler based on gcc , which is a retargetable compiler . the implementation considers the architecture of thump , including the delay slots , the instruction interlock , macro expansion , and libraries for soft - float . and addresses the process developing the cross compiler and native compiler for thump
    论文介绍了thump的c 、 c + +编译器的总体结构以及设计方案,并详细阐述了利用可重定向编译器gcc实现thump的c 、 c + +编译器的方法和过程,包括延迟槽修改、指令互锁的实现、宏指令展开以及软件浮点库的生成等,并实现了thump的交叉编译器和本地编译器。
用"delay slot"造句  



In computer architecture, a delay slot is an instruction slot that gets executed without the effects of a preceding instruction. The most common form is a single arbitrary instruction located immediately after a branch instruction on a RISC or DSP architecture; this instruction will execute even if the preceding branch is taken.
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